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Rica test prep
Rica Test
Rica test study guide

About the Program

  • Instant Access

    Receive instant access to the complete Rica Test prep materials and get started fast!

  • Self-Paced

    Study when you want and where you want with this on-demand course that is ready when you are!

  • Full Support

    Join other students currently enrolled in the Rica prep program for peer-to-peer coaching!

Best for
people who want:

  • Step-by-step essay writing guides

  • To reduce test anxiety about not passing

  • A proven study system to follow

  • Strategies to remember Rica terminology

  • A private community to ask questions, share practice essay responses, and receive feedback from currently enrolled students

Course curriculum

  • 1

    👋 Rica Subtest 1 Prep!

    • Start Here!

    • Starter Survey

  • 2

    📕 Rica Test Study Guide

    • Subtest 1 Study Guide

  • 3

    📑 Rica Flashcards

    • Rica Flashcards

  • 4

    💡 Rica Subtest 1 Prep

    • Rica Subtest 1 Workbook

    • Rica Subtest 1 Overview

    • Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

    • Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Quiz

    • Concepts About Print, Letter Recognition, and the Alphabetic Principle

    • Concepts About Print, Letter Recognition, and the Alphabetic Principle Quiz

    • Phonics and Sight Words: Terminology and Concepts

    • Phonics and Sight Words: Terminology and Concepts Quiz

    • Phonics and Sight Words: Instruction and Assessment

    • Phonics and Sight Words: Instruction and Assessment Quiz

    • Syllabic Analysis, Structural Analysis, and Orthographic Knowledge

    • Syllabic Analysis, Structural Analysis, and Orthographic Knowledge Quiz

    • Fluency: Role in Reading Development

    • Fluency: Role in Reading Development Quiz

    • Fluency: Instruction and Assessment

    • Fluency: Instruction and Assessment Quiz

    • Subtest 1 Essay Introduction

    • Subtest 1 Short Essay Workshop

    • Subtest 1 Long Essay Workshop

    • Subtest 1 Multiple-Choice Practice Test

    • Subtest 1 Practice Essay Questions

  • 5

    🎧 Rica Test Podcast!

    • Rica Subtest 1 Podcast

  • 6

    ✍️ BONUS! Writing Strategies

    • Writing Strategies

  • 7

    🚨 Complete before you go!

    • Extra Good Rica Karma For You!

Everything You Need To Pass!

Study Guide
Video Lessons
Full-Length Practice Test
Practice Essay Prompts